Devotion to yourself, to the work, to the undoing, to the unraveling, to becoming aware of what we are not, to acknowledging those masks, to lifting every mask you have ever worn and to honouring and feeling what was hidden behind it, to expanding into and holding your full expression and being responsible for what comes with that, to admitting your own limits without identifying with the stories behind them.

Rituals, Prayer, Practice, Journaling, Movement, Singing, Nourishment, Nature ~ moving things with intention. We place our intention, let it be known and then we move the energy through our bodies and out of minds…morning pages, how we dress, how we move our bodies, how we use our voice. Nothing changes if nothing changes. If we want change, we have to take the reigns.

How does Self Portraiture serve as a vehicle on the path to your Gold?

The GOLD is

I would watch embodied dancers and singers and wonder “where do they go? what is that place? can anyone get there or is it reserved for a select few?”.

The place where that voice lives. The place the gold comes from. The place where the thing that moves through you when you forget time lives. Art is born here. Creative juice, life force, sexual energy, intuition, it all comes from here, it’s all the same. The pursuit to know everything I could about this place began for me in 2013. I was 31 and a young Mother. I had just experienced the rupture of Maiden to Mother, and I began to feel the split between of a life of survival, and a life of my OWN that was calling me. What my own life could feel like was very far removed from my reality. Your own life is unbeaten, uncut, raw, wild, dark and it’s a trip. I believe there can be more than one “split” in a Woman’s life - there can be many; they are forks in the road accompanied by an awakening of some kind. A choice needs to be made, and what she isn’t choosing is the choice she is making. If it isn’t a match to her deepest truth, it will return down the road.

The Uterus…

You can drink the bone broth, clean your home with homemade potions and do the asana and breath of fires until your sinus are baked, but if your physical reality, your life; the one we came here to live for a short amount of time!!! If the branches of your truest expression aren’t a match to your deepest truth, if the people around you aren’t inspiring you and the conversations you are having are boring as hell, if your work doesn’t feel so big and hot inside of you, and if all of that isn’t a match to your deepest truths and desires…you are choosing that by not pursuing something completely different. The pursuit of your Gold is the Gold itself; this is your life.

We can talk about “ tips on how to spark creativity” all day then wonder why we can’t sustain the current - we need to be talking about and feeling into and breathing into what is dormant inside of us and why…this is our POWER and our LIFE FORCE, this is where our art comes from!!! Women, this is the GOLD. You don’t need to add sparks to a lit fire!! It it’s not raging, it because it can’t fucking breathe. It can’t breathe because there’s too much shit that doesn’t belong there. Your mind is too full of stories, your house isn’t in order, your body is rigid and screaming, all of it is connected and weaved into one another. When you commit to Awaken the Creatrix, you’re simultaneously focusing your attention to your deepest nature; to create life!!! You create your OWN LIFE!!! You focus on your own life force and she will guide all your moves.